Ideographies of Knowledge

English only




9:30 > 17:15 Mundaneum, Rue de Nimy 76, Mons, Belgium

Dušan Barok (Bergen), Matthew Fuller (London), Geraldine Juárez (Gothenburg), Stéphanie Manfroid (Mons), Marcell Mars (Lüneburg), Nikita Mazurov (Malmö), Tomislav Medak (Zagreb), Michael Murtaugh (Brussels), Robert M Ochshorn (San Francisco), Barbora Šedivá (Brno), Femke Snelting (Brussels), Matěj Strnad (Prague)

"Après avoir lu; aujourd'hui on référence et vérifie." – Paul Otlet, 1903

"Once one read; today one refers to, checks through, skims." – Paul Otlet, 1903

This event unfolds from the intention to reflect upon the legacy of Paul Otlet and his work from the perspective of today's knowledge archives.

To get your personal invitation, please complete the registration form here no later than 29 September 2015.

10:00 Discours de bienvenue / Welcome Speech

Barbora Šedivá, Commissaire, chercheuse/Curator, researcher Dušan Barok, Artiste, chercheur/Artist, researcher

10:30 > 11:15 Session 1

La classification du monde : l’héritage de Paul Otlet / Classes of the World: The Legacy of Paul Otlet Stéphanie Manfroid – La première publication de Paul Otlet / Paul Otlet's first publication Stéphanie Manfroid – Paul Otlet, Le cycle (ou chaine) fondamental(e) de la documentation Stéphanie Manfroid – La carte de Westend, ville créée par Paul Otlet dans la mer du Nord / A map of Westend, the city created by Paul Otlet at the North Sea Geraldine Juárez – Google's doodle on Paul Otlet Femke Snelting – Mining the Traité

11:15 > 12:00 Session 2

La documentation du monde : Les politiques de classification / Files of the World: The Politics of Documentation and Classification Matthew Fuller – Daniil Kharms: The Red-Haired Man Geraldine Juárez – Google Documents Iraqui Museums Treasures Matěj Strnad – Lignes directrices pour la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l’Héritage du Monde (WHC 15/01)/ Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (WHC.15/01) Michael Murtaugh – Loco (jeu éducatif pour enfant) / (Educational game for kids)

12:00 > 13:30 Lunch (to be paid on site)

13:30 > 14:15 Session 3

Ensemble et configuration : la poétique des collections / Sets and Settings: The Poetics of Collections Matthew Fuller - Hans Haacke, Shapolsky et al. Manhattan Real Estate Holdings, Un système social en temps réel, tel le 1er mai 1071 / A Real Time Social System, as of May 1, 1971 Femke Snelting – Rencontre avec Madame C. / Meeting Madame C. Tomislav Medak – Write-off Geraldine Juárez – Intercolonial Technogalactic Matěj Strnad – (Your own) Google Image search results for: 1) library 2) museum 3) archive

14:15 – 15:00 Session 4

La terre est plate / Les protocoles de lectures et de projection / Worlds Made Flat: Protocols of Reading and Viewing Michael Murtaugh – Règle à calcul (dans une sacoche de cuir) / Slide Rule (in leather carrying case) Robert M Ochshorn – InterLace Michael Murtaugh – Liebers's Standard Telegraphic Code Book (1896) Matěj Strnad - MD5 checksum as the real DOI Femke Snelting – Scraping culture (21.845 image tiles) Robert M Ochshorn – Les recettes de la connaissance / Knowledge Receipts

15:15 – 16:00 Session 5

Infrastructures et entrées - L’économie des documents / Access and Infrastructures: The Economics of Documents Marcell Mars – Alice & Bob Marcell Mars – Bonnie & Clyde Tomislav Medak – Reproduction interdite / Illegal Copy Nikita Mazurov – Advanced eBook Processor v2.2 Nikita Mazurov – Touche Anti-Copyleft / Anti-Copyleft Button

16:00 – 16:45 Session 6

L’agencement de l’information : la Magie de la Représentation / Information Agency: The Magic of Representation Matthew Fuller – R.B. Byles, Pitman’s Practical Primers of Business : La Carte des systèmes d’indexe, ses règles, ses usages et composants, Pitman, Londres 1919 / The Card Index System, Its Principles, Uses, Operation, and Component Parts, Pitman, London, 1919 Robert M Ochshorn – Livres sans couverture / Books without Covers Nikita Mazurov – Une page d’un journal contenant deux articles publiés l’un sur l’autre dans The Prescott Courier, 29 novembre 1991 / A page from a newspaper containing two articles appearing cheek by jowl in The Prescott Courier, November 29 1991 Tomislav Medak – Etagère / Shelf Marcell Mars – Logan & Jessica

16:00 - 17h15 : Q&A session
