Internet idea is Belgian!

2nd June 2012: The Belgian origins of the Web recognized at the World Science Festival in New-York !

Paul Otlet (1868-1944), Belgian jurist and founder of the Mundaneum, today located in Mons (Belgium), has been recognized as the father of the Internet concept on Saturday 2nd June at the occasion of the World Science Festival in New-York. The launching of the partnership between Google and the Mundaneum went around the world in March, few months later the media as Fox News, Huffington Post, Dailymail, Economic Times, Les Inrockuptibles, relieved the information: from United States to Indonesia,  China and Vietnam!

"L'histoire d'internet connaît un rebond dans le passé, puisque l'idée de "toile" remonterait en fait à 1934..."
Le récent Festival de la Science à New York a connu une nouvelle détonante autour de l'histoire d'Internet. Si le monde scientifique s'accorde la paternité de la toile donnée à Vinton Cerf, qui a inventé le système de routage de données TCP/IP dans les années soixante, le concept de "web" serait bien plus ancien. Vinton Cerf a en effet travaillé sur le projet militaire ARPAnet, ancêtre de notre internet. Cependant, un certain Belge Paul Otlet aurait imaginé en 1934 déjà, un monde où se croiserait le genre humain. YAHOO ACTUALITES



“The Internet was invented in 1934"
Forget Al Gore. The Internet — at least as a concept — was invented nearly a century ago by a Belgian information expert named Paul Otlet imagining where telephones and television might someday go. That was one of the topics in a wild discussion on the history of the Internet, and its future, at the recent World Science Festival in New York City. FOX NEWS

“The Internet — at least as a concept — was invented nearly a century ago by a Belgian information expert named Paul Otlet imagining where telephones and television might someday go. That was one of the topics in a wild discussion on the history of the Internet, and its future, at the recent World Science Festival in New York City.” HUFFINGTON POST

“1934: Here’s something you might not know: Belgian information expert named Paul Otlet imagined a “Radiated Library” that would use technology of the day — the telephone and radio — to create something very much like the Internet.” LIVE SCIENCE

The international press review of the event